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发布时间:2020-01-15 11:24:32 所属栏目:评论 来源:站长网
导读:前 言 Gartner发布的2020年十大战略科技发展趋势中分别提及了边缘计算以及区块链技术。边缘计算是一种在信息来源、存储库及使用者附近进行信息处理、内容收集和交付的计算拓扑结构。它试图将网络流量与计算处理保留在本地以减少延迟、发挥边缘能力以及赋予

[5] Liu, M., et al. (2018). "Distributed resource allocation in blockchain-based video streaming systems with mobile edge computing." IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18(1): 695-708.

[6] Seitz, A., et al. (2018). Fog Computing as Enabler for Blockchain-Based IIoT App Marketplaces-A Case Study. 2018 Fifth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security, IEEE.



[7] Yang, R., et al. (2019). "Integrated blockchain and edge computing systems: A survey, some research issues and challenges." IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21(2): 1508-1532.

[8] 洪学海, 汪洋, 郭树盛. 边缘计算技术研究报告[EB/OL] http://www.cnic.cas.cn/xwdt/yfdt/201811/P020181108393346075254.pdf. 2018,2


