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独家演讲全文 | SEC官员称比特币以太坊不是证券,提出6大判断标准

发布时间:2018-07-03 05:40:55 所属栏目:人物 来源:Bianews
导读:副标题#e# Bianews报道 当地时间6月14日,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)企业融资部门负责人William Hinman,在雅虎金融全球市场峰会上发表加密货币相关的演讲,主题《数字资产交易:当Howey遇到Gary Plastic》。 比特币和以太坊的交易不是证券交易 演讲中,Willi











这份清单并不打算能详尽无遗,我也绝不认为需要提出这些因素中的每一个,以证明令牌是不是证券。 该清单旨在促使发起人及其律师进行思考,并开始与员工进行对话 ,它并不意味着是法律分析中所有必要因素的清单。



3. 与投资相比,购买数字资产的主要动机是供个人需要或消费?购买者是否就他们的消费意图而不是投资意图作出了陈述?这些令牌是否与消费与投资意图相关的增量可用?

4. 令牌是否以满足用户需求的方式分发?例如,令牌是否可以按照购买者的预期用途进行持有或转让?是否有内置的激励措施可以迫使网络上的令牌迅速使用,例如让令牌随着时间的推移而降低价值,还是令牌可以长时间保持投资?

5. 资产是否销售并分发给潜在用户或公众?

6. 资产是分散在不同的用户基础上,还是集中在少数可以影响其应用程序的人手中?

7. 应用程序是完全运行还是处于开发的早期阶段?



Digital Asset Transactions: When Howey Met Gary (Plastic)

Remarks at the Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit: Crypto

Thank you Andy. I am pleased to be here today.[1] This event provides a great opportunity to address a topic that is the subject of considerable debate in the press and in the crypto-community – whether a digital asset offered as a security can, over time, become something other than a security.[2]

To start, we should frame the question differently and focus not on the digital asset itself, but on the circumstances surrounding the digital asset and the manner in which it is sold. To that end, a better line of inquiry is: “Can a digital asset that was originally offered in a securities offering ever be later sold in a manner that does not constitute an offering of a security?” In cases where the digital asset represents a set of rights that gives the holder a financial interest in an enterprise, the answer is likely “no.” In these cases, calling the transaction an initial coin offering, or “ICO,” or a sale of a “token,” will not take it out of the purview of the U.S. securities laws.

But what about cases where there is no longer any central enterprise being invested in or where the digital asset is sold only to be used to purchase a good or service available through the network on which it was created? I believe in these cases the answer is a qualified “yes.” I would like to share my thinking with you today about the circumstances under which that could occur.

Before I turn to the securities law analysis, let me share what I believe may be most exciting about distributed ledger technology – that is, the potential to share information, transfer value, and record transactions in a decentralized digital environment. Potential applications include supply chain management, intellectual property rights licensing, stock ownership transfers and countless others. There is real value in creating applications that can be accessed and executed electronically with a public, immutable record and without the need for a trusted third party to verify transactions. Some people believe that this technology will transform e-commerce as we know it. There is excitement and a great deal of speculative interest around this new technology. Unfortunately, there also are cases of fraud. In many regards, it is still “early days.”


